Adverse Events and Product Complaint Reporting

If you experience side-effects taking a Lilly medicine, talk to your doctor or other healthcare professional. This includes any possible side-effects not listed in the package leaflet.

How to report?

In Arabic, click here:

When submitting in an e-mail format please provide the following information in your email to ensure it is handled in a manner consistent with the applicable local laws:

  • Name of the Eli Lilly Saudi Arabia drug:
    Description of when the patient started the medication, including dosing strength and frequency (amount and how often, e.g., 60 mg twice daily). Any action taken with the medication (e.g., reduced dose, stopped) and impact of that action on the side effect.

  • The side effect or adverse reaction associated with the drug:
    Symptom evolution over time. Description of any treatment needed for the side effect. Name of healthcare provider who provided treatment and contact information.

  • Your name(optional):
    Please note that your personal identifying information (e.g., name, email address) will not be shared with the health authorities. Eli Lilly or its agents may contact you for further information about the side effect. If you do not wish to be contacted, you should indicate this in your email.

  • Information about the person who experienced the side effect:
    Any other medical conditions currently ongoing. Medications currently taken (name, dosing strength, frequency, and when medication was started). Gender and age of the person taking medication (optional).

  • Batch number: Every pharmaceutical product and sample (as well as most products you purchase) has a batch number on the box, vial, blister pack, prefilled pen, or carton.

Report an Adverse Event or Product Complaint by using the following channels:

To report a side-effect or product complaint with a Lilly product.

- If you need immediate information about a Lilly product Email:

To report an adverse event or side-effect, please contact us on:

Eli Lilly & Company, Saudi Arabia:

- To report product complaint, please contact us on:


Tel: +966 114617821

Mobile: +966 563619316